Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal

CHPE, MME, PhD-HPE (Maastricht, NL)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Canada

 Research Scientist at Acuity Insights

Dr. Zafar a currently a Research Scientist at Acuity Insights. He completed his Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Canada. He is a full-time medical educationist with a Ph.D. in health professions education from Maastricht University. His primary areas of expertise in HPE are competency-based medical education, faculty development, summative assessment, psychometric analysis, educational psychology, evidence-based practices, and small-group pedagogy. He is actively involved in curricular reforms, assessment strategies, training programs designing, and faculty development programs and courses. He also has vast experience of supervising student research projects in medical education. His scholarly work has been published in high impact factor, international journals of medical education: Medical Teacher, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Medical Science Educator, Medical Education Online, and Education in Medicine. He is also an active member of distinguished international medical education societies and special interest groups.

The University Of Lahore is organizing 7th International Conference on Health Professions Education.
With our exciting lineup of renowned speakers, we are sure ICHPE will offer something of interest for each attendee.

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