• You are requested to submit your abstract for online oral presentation on the ICHPE website (
  • The announcement of abstract acceptance for online oral presentation shall be made on 29th September 2020, and you shall be informed on the email address that you have mentioned at the time of abstract submission.
  • If your abstract is accepted for online oral presentation at the 4th International Conference on Health Professions Education, you will be informed via email by 29th September 2020.
  • The online zoom meeting link for joining the online session will be communicated by email one week before the conference.
  • Please note that online oral presentations are scheduled on Wednesday, 21st October 2020 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
  • You will be required to join the assigned online session on the day of your oral presentation. Each presenter will be allotted 15 minutes, with the first 10 minutes for the online oral presentation, followed by 5 minutes for online question and answer session.
  • In the event you do not join the assigned online session, or if you are not available for the online question and answer session, then no certificate of online oral presentation shall be awarded to you.

In case of any queries, contact us at