Poster Submission Details
The poster should have the following dimensions, width 90cm and length 150cm
The headings of the posters are not limited to but should include:
- Introduction (Background of the topic, research problem, research gap and why you want to do it?)
- Research question with objectives of the research
- Methodology:
- Research Design:
- Method: (site , sample size , sampling technique , inclusion and exclusion criteria , data collection technique)
- Results:
- Discussion: ( Comparing your results with the studies done in literature , critically reviewing the way these studies were done and how different is your methodology and method and what have you found in your study )
- Conclusion:
- Impact of your study
- Limitations :
- Way Forward :
- References in APA style
Kindly bring the printed poster of the above-mentioned dimensions to the courtyard at 8am on your assigned day for poster presentation.